Developing quality in mathematics classrooms and teacher professional development

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QuaMath aims to further develop mathematics teaching in the long term by developing and researching continuing education and teaching materials, and by providing a regular, subject-related exchange through the establishment of school networks.

Project data

Research linesResearch Line Professional Competencies of Preschool and School Teachers, Research Line Domain-Specific Learning in Kindergarten and School
DepartmentsKnowledge Transfer
FundingKultusministerkonferenz (KMK) (1/1/20236/30/2028)
IPN researchersProf. Dr. Susanne Prediger (Project lead), Prof. Dr. Hans Anand Pant (Project co-lead), Dr. Svea Hallemann (Project coordinator), Annett Kreuziger (Project coordinator)
Members of the research alliance

IPN Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik (Lead), DZLM-Netzwerk

Instructional quality determines which learning opportunities children and adolescents have at their disposal. All learners in mathematics should be encouraged to think actively and develop an understanding of mathematics by engaging in conversations. Hence, developing teaching in a targeted manner is important - which is where QuaMath comes in. QuaMath is a ten-year program of the German Center for Teacher Education in Mathematics (DZLM) and is funded by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of Germany (KMK). The DZLM is coordinated by the Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN) and consists of a network of 12 universities and the IPN.

Objectives of the QuaMath project

The Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of Germany (KMK) wants to strengthen mathematics education and improve instruction quality. The consensus is that the linchpin for strengthening mathematical competencies lies in the quality of mathematics instruction. Along with good subject education for teachers, the aim is to intensify continuing education and support for those already in service or who have made a lateral move into the teaching profession. The objective of the QuaMath program is to substantially develop the structures, support systems and quality of continuing education to improve the quality of teaching and to strengthen students' mathematical education. Thereby, the QuaMath program intends to have a broad impact through a scaling-up by multipliers and not only on a few selected schools.

The intention is to reach up to 10,000 schools through QuaMath by providing a coherent, subject-based, research-based, and practice-oriented professional development approach to advancing mathematics education. Overall, the QuaMath program spans two phases: Phase 1 (2023-2028), will establish structures, develop in-service training and qualification modules, and initial cohorts of teachers will be professionalized and supported in inter-school networks and in-school teams. Phase 2 (2028-2033), includes optimizing the structures and further developing the modules in line with research findings.

Recent publications
