Gender Equality at the IPN

The IPN considers equality more than the achievement and maintenance of quotas and advancement of women. We also see it as a culture to be lived - at the institute and in science in general. This means that all employees practice gender equality in their daily work.

Assistance and Support

Women's academic careers very often stop after the doctorate is obtained or stall in the post-doc phase due to parental leave. Therefore, the IPN consistently supports its female researchers and strongly fosters their professional development. Examples of this include establishment of junior research groups explicitly for women or tandem junior research groups for staff members with family responsibilities.

Gender Equality Plan

The IPN's gender equality plan is a central instrument for more gender-equitable personnel planning. Eliminating the underrepresentation of women at the professorial level is but one goal. We also aim to create framework conditions that allow for an even better reconciliation of work and family life.

The implementation of the measures and initiatives formulated in the plan is based on The DFG’s Research-Oriented Equity and Diversity Standards and the Guidelines for Equal Opportunities and Gender Equality in the Leibniz Association. The Institute is currently developing a new equality plan under the leadership of the Equal Opportunities Officer in a participatory, internal process. This is available for download here (german only).

Compatibility of Career and Family

As early as 2006, the IPN was awarded the berufundfamilie Service GmbH audit certificate for its family-friendliness. Improving the compatibility of work and family life makes a significant contribution to creating equal opportunities. It also helps ensure career opportunities remain available. At the IPN, the initiatives in this area are understood as part of an active human resources policy. For further information click here.

Legal Framework

The tasks of the Equal Opportunities Officer are regulated by the Schleswig-Holstein Equal Opportunities Act and also by the GWK's Equal Opportunities Implementation Agreement.

How to reach us


Heike Groth
Dr. Ricarda Ullrich